About us

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Who We Are ?

Act Social Media Experts has been active in the field of online advertising since 2012. Through numerous collaborations over the years with large businesses from various sectors, we possess the experience that the market demands. Our goal is to help you reach your business objectives and acquire a new, dynamic clientele. Consistency, a crucial component of Digital Marketing, is a key characteristic of our dynamism.

Digital Marketing

Your online image will be characterized by methodicality and dynamism on the right channels for your growth.

Web Development

We create dynamically unique websites with the aim of showcasing your company's best presence on the internet.

Graphic Design

Original graphic designs for all your needs. Branding, stories, posts.

So that's us. there is no

other way to put it.

Social Media


About your Next project.

act social

Email : actsocial@actsocial.gr

Address : Zinodotou 20, Ano Ilisia, Zografou 15771

Phone : (+30) 2130483223

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